Romania, 2018

“Should that [Szekler] flag fly in the wind, those responsible for it will hang next to it”

said Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose, a Social Democrat (link in Romanian)   in an interview with Romanian Realitatea TV, responding to a recent meeting of the Hungarian parties in Romania  held about their efforts towards establishing autonomy for the Szeklers.  The Seklers are ethnic Hungarians who live on the Eastern border of the Kingdom of Hungary… in a  land where they have lived for the last 1000 years and which now happens to be in the middle of a Balkanian country called Romania since 1920.  That was the year when the victors of World War One rewarded  the neighbouring countries with two thirds of Hungary’s territory.

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The Sekler flag with a Transylvanian landscape

So what have those very sensitive human rights activists said so far about this threat made by the prime minister of an EU country? Nada. Zilch. Nothing. The EU has been dead silent as well. The global media doesn’t carry the story either.   Not a single Romanian politician of any significance has denounced the Romanian prime minister’s words  so far.  This speaks volumes for the prevailing Romanian attitude…

Are you surprised in any way? You really shouldn’t be.   Though people with extreme power of conception may try to imagine what would have happened if somebody had said anything even remotely similar about, say, the so-called “refugees” or any other protected species of PC-liberalism.

Update as of January the 16th:

1/ The Romanian prime minister resigned yesterday. The Romanian government denied the resignation happened because of the above incident.  Not a single Romanian politician of any significance has denounced the Romanian prime minister’s words.

2/ This is EU Commission spokesman Alex Winterstein’s comment today:

we do not wish to make any comment in connection with the statement

Update on the 23rd of January:

The first significant Romanian politician, Romanian Social Democratic Party chairman  Liviu Dragnea has denounced (link in Hungarian) what the ex-prime minister said. Kind of.

We don’t agree with opening a debate about the death penalty. Concerning the ethnic Hungarians and some flags, Tudose wanted to say something else.

Update on the 1st of February:

Tudose was made to apologize publicly.  He did so… in a quite typical Balkanian way:


This was a lesson for me that one must form public statements with  rigour and paying attention so that one shouldn’t  create interpretations (of these statements)  unintentionally which I didn’t mean to.


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1 Comment

  1. “the victors of World War One rewarded the neighbouring countries with two thirds of Hungary’s territory”

    Well, those ‘neighbouring countries’ were minorities in this Habsburg-run “Kingdom of Hungary”, but majority in those areas affected.
    So they were ‘rewarded’ with their independence from Hungary, when the Habsburg Empire was dissolved.
    Today the ethnic Hungarian minority in the Unitarian State of Romania wants autonomy from Romania.
    In Unitarian States, like Romania, Hungary, Spain and Ukraine, all citizen decides if any part should get autonomy or even independence, not just the affected region, unlike what happened with Sopron 1921.

    On the other hand when both Hungary and its neighbours are being inside both Schengen zone and Euro area, when Hungary have no real borders and use the same money as its neighbours – what would then differ from the old Habsburg-run “Kingdom of Hungary”?



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