A week after Hungary’s election

All votes have been counted and these are the (non-final) official election results :

Fidesz-KDNP 2 824 206 votes 134 seats
Jobbik 1 092 669 votes 26 seats
Hungarian Socialist Party  682 602 20 seats
LMP (leftist greens) 404 425 8 seats
DK (ex-PM Gyurcsány’s extremist left-liberals) 308 068 9 seats
John O’Sullivan, the president of the Budapest-base conservative-classical liberal Danube Institute and a director of the Washington think-tank, 21st Century Initiatives,  analysed very well  why Fidesz-KDNP could achieve what hardly anybody had expected: a third landslide victory, that is yet another super-majority.
  1.  the economic success of Orbán’s government
  2.  the voters’ agreement with Orban’s opposition to mass migration
  3. their admiration for Orbán’s personal leadership qualities
  4. a badly divided opposition
 I highly recommend that you should read his article Hungary Embraces National Conservatism  in full.
So what happened since last Sunday?  Well, with the exception of loony ex-Socialist PM  Ferenc Gyurcsány who drove Hungary’s economy into the ground in 2008, every opposition party leader has resigned.
Then there was a rather big demonstration in Budapest yesterday evening.   Protesting the results of a high turnout, free parliamentary election, Jobbik’s activists walked hand-in-hand with rainbow-coloured mental cases, George Soros’ sympathizers, with all those who used to refer to Jobbik as “Nazi” in every sentence they said about them, with those left-liberals who never fail to call themselves “democrats” .  The organizers promised more demonstrations demanding a “fair election system” and new elections. So there will be at least yet another one next week.  Incidentally, there had  been serious worries that the Antifa thugs, who set Hamburg on fire last summer, would turn up at this rally and the Hungarian police and secret services took all sort of measures to protect the country.
The global media (BBC, The Washington Post, etc. , practically all the usual suspects!) were very excited, of course, and they devoted a lot of space to yesterday’s anti-Orbán rally.  Certainly there wasn’t so much global media attention on the  pro-Orbán rally before the elections which was actually much bigger.


George Soros, Senator Palpatine (Darth Sidious, the Emperor) of our times, is going to have talks with top EU officials  in Brussels on Monday, the globalist media is going to keep trying to de-legitimize the fourth Orbán government and there will be a couple of more demonstrations against the will of the Hungarian people as well.  All in all, Hungary  won a very important battle on the 8th of April but the war is far from being over.
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  1. Chauncey Tinker

     /  15/04/2018

    Good news! Will link to your article in our weekly roundup.

    Liked by 1 person

  1. Hungary Election Results – Goldstein Web

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