Please raze Soros’ university to the ground and salt its earth

The uncanny howling about Soros’ CEU university hasn’t subsided since last Wednesday.  The “whole world” protests against “Orbán’s grave attack against Hungary’s most prominent university”. Open letters, interviews, newspaper articles, a copious amount of media reports on a few thousand strong demonstration in Budapest, a long (and growing) queue of politicians, including Christian Democrat ones!, condemn Hungary because of the attack on… whatever. You know the drill.

According to this German article, “Hungary says no to science”.   Now let’s have a quick look at that what we should actually say “no” to.  I found a list of some theses which were submitted (and accepted!) at CEU last year.  All of them are written in English and they can be read in full at the provided links.  Please decide for yourself if they are scientific works or if you agree with me that they are left-liberal political pamphlets.

1. Dispossession and futurelessness : at the confluence of marxism and queer theory 

The thesis compares the work of  Lee Edelman, the eminent figure of queer theory with the work of Hungarian Communist philosopher György Lukács.

2. Playing with identity : a study on the Budapest BDSM community

The thesis analyses the narratives of Sado-Masochists, with special regard to the role of games.

3. Blasphemy as tool for institutional critique

Through a number of cases, the thesis presents how blasphemy plays a role in post-Soviet art.

4. In the name of the mother : media discourse, nationalist ideology and the politics of reproduction in post-socialist Macedonia

This thesis reveals how media spreads nationalist ideology in Macedonia with the help of traditional sex roles and “the typification of the female body”.

5. Polish exceptionalism : hate speech laws between supra-national standards and national politics

This thesis examines why Polish  hate speech laws are substandard to international ones and why Polish criminal law does not provide protection for victims of hate speech motivated by bias on grounds of gender identity and sexual orientation.

6. Becoming and being : the experiences of young feminist men in Iceland

This thesis reviews life experiences of young Icelandic feminist males.

7. Qu(e)’erying the Qur’an : how non-heterosexual Muslims in London articulate sexual citizenship narratives

“This thesis aims to situate the phenomenon of “homonationalism” into lived experience in order to lay bare the contextual specificities of queer Muslim subjectivites in London, UK and to examine the local refigurations of power that informants enact therein. Through fieldwork at an inclusive Mosque in London, and interviews with queeridentifying Muslims, this ethnographic approach is dedicated to analyzing how those considered inauthentic in homonationalist imaginaries, and who are often elided in critical discourses of homonationalism itself, articulate narratives of sexual citizenship that challenge the regulatory codes of a universalizing script of homonormative sexuality, and how they make these pleas for belonging through a parallel reconstitution of Muslim normativities. ”

8. Migration in the Mediterranean : the smuggler as scapegoat

According to the thesis, even though illegal migration has been going on for decades,  human traffickers have been made scapegoats recently.

9. Constructing identity through the Hungarian “migration” discourse

The abstract is  gibberish  like “On the other hand, the feeling of instability aided the ontological insecuritization process, which was utilized to establish a situation where everyday routines were not working and the ontological insecuritization became possible”, but I guess the thesis argues that Orbán’s government uses the threat of the illegal migrants to Hungary to strengthen racism and xenophobia among Hungarians.

10. Anti-liberalism and antisemitism in dualist Hungary

The thesis presents anti-liberalism and anti-Semitism through the case of Kárpátalja (Transcarpathia) .

11. Hope of failure : subverting disgust, shame and the abject in feminist performances with menstrual blood

Er… check out the link if you really do want to know more details about this particular piece of progressive train of thought.


Darth Soros

I think the list speaks volumes indeed. Metaphorically speaking, Soros’ university in Budapest should be razed to the ground and sowed with salt.  Mr. Orbán, please do so!

Is Western and Northern Europe beyond hope?

I’m reading today’s news from WN Europe.

  • The West Midlands Police, one of the UK’s largest polices,  are considering to allow their policewomen to wear a  full-face covering Muslim headsack called “burka’ on the job, as they drive to “increase the representation of BAME (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic) officers to 30 per cent”.  Chief Constable David Thompson has justified the idea with “cultural sensitivity”.  The hijab, which is a Muslim scarf to cover only the head and neck, has been part of the London Metropolitan police force’s uniform for more than ten years and it has been introduced by many other UK forces since, including WMP, and most recently in Scotland,  this June.



  • An Iraqi brother and sister, who emigrated to the UK with their family as asylum seekers and who were handed a council house in central London worth around £1.3 million, have both been charged with terror-related offences.

And here’s a piece of news from PC madhouse Sweden as well:

  • An interpreter has been suspended from duty by the Swedish Migration Board after she made a remark that many Arab migrants lie about their background to boost their chance of getting asylum and higher welfare payments. That’s a proven fact, of course.

Then there are today’s news from France.

  • Three women have been arrested  in Paris near Notre Dame cathedral. They had been planning an attack on a Paris railway station.  One of them stabbed a police officer with a knife.
  • Then two French women have been assaulted  and their husbands severely beaten, as their children  watched!, on the French Riviera after a gang of young Muslims called the women “whores” because the women were wearing shorts.
  • A French mayor has been reported to the police for so-called “hate crime” by left-liberal “social justice warriors” because he cited  a 1959 de Gaulle speech:

It is very good that there are yellow French, black French, brown French. They show that France is open to all races and has a universal vocation. But [it is good] on condition that they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France would no longer be France. We are still primarily a European people of the white race, Greek and Latin culture, and the Christian religion. Do you think the French body politic can absorb ten million Muslims, who tomorrow will be twenty million, after tomorrow forty? If we integrated, if all the Arabs and Berbers of Algeria were considered French, would you prevent them to settle in France, where the standard of living is so much higher? My village would no longer be called Colombey-The-Two-Churches but Colombey-The-Two-Mosques.

Similar news could be found from Western and Northern Europe by the dozens each day.  It looks like now the lethal mental disease of ‘politically correct liberalism’  manifests itself in newer and newer heights of insanity in WN Europe.

Prime Minister Orbán was awarded the “Man of the Year” award on Poland’s prestigious Krynica Economic Forum a few days ago. He said that

Twenty years ago young Europeans were always told that if they complete their studies, respect the laws and work diligently then they can get further in life than their parents had. But young people in most of the old EU member states would laugh at this idea today. This is still true in Central Europe, so Central Europe is the home of the “European dream” now.

Regarding the topic of migration, Orbán said that

the European countries should help those in need but at the same time they should preserve their own identities… The root cause of the migration crisis is that Europe is currently wealthy but weak. … It had to be made clear that there is a legal process that needs to be followed if one wants to enter Europe. If Europe does not make this clear it will lose everything it has worked for and it will be overrun by another community that has a stronger identity. Many overestimate the impact multiculturalism has on integration and underestimate migrants’ ability to preserve their own identities.

and, most importantly, he added that

Europe needs deep changes. These changes must be rooted in a cultural counter-revolution.

Nothing short of that will save WN Europe!  Politically correct liberalism must be eradicated from politics, media and cultural life.


Hungary to build second line of border defence

Prime minister Viktor Orbán said in this regular radio interview  today that  Hungary is going to build a new, “massive, serious defense system” on its Southern borders to defend against a possible surge in the number of migrants.  “The fortified barrier will be able to stop several hundreds of thousands of people if, for example, Turkey allows the millions of migrants to leave for Western Europe.”

He suggested that Austria should help defending the Serbian-Hungarian border, or preferably the Macedonian-Greek border, together with the other Central European countries, instead of  focussing on the Austrian-Hungarian border.

The Hungarian government announced last week that they will employ 3000 more policemen to defend the border. The recruitment will start in September and, after their fast track training, they will be deployed already next spring.

After the morning interview, PM Orbán left for Warsaw where he and other V4 leaders will meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The prime minister said that “people  who claim there’s no connection between the migration and terrorism either haven’t the foggiest or they try to conceals clear-cut facts for some reason.  Terrorism has increased in Europe because hundreds of thousands uncontrolled migrants appeared places where the Western world is regarded enemy. There’s a semi-war situation in Europe and you cannot risk people’s safety under such circumstances”.

Mr. Orbán also said that the European leaders should reject the forced migrant quota idea of the Brussels bureaucrats. The V4 leaders want change and the question is if Angela Merkel would be a partner to V4 this afternoon.  He said that the result of the meeting hangs in the balance.  There are several issues where the viewpoints are not known. “I myself haven’t unfolded all my cards either”.

“The October 2 referendum will mean that a European nation won’t accept the decision of the Brussels bureaucrats. So that will not result in a negotiating position.  That will result in a final, solid Hungarian stance. This may rally many other countries to Hungary’s side as well”, he added.


Hungary in the USA Presidential Campaign

It’s really nothing new that USA politicians are bashing Hungary.  Last year Obama was worrying  that “NGOs are harassed in Hungary like in Egypt or Putin’s Russia” and Sen. John McCain called PM Orbán “a neo-Fascist dictator who goes to bed with Putin”.  What is new a bit that they do that in ‘two-in-one’ with our Polish friends. 🙂

Ex-president and aspiring First Lord  Clinton said earlier that

Orbán wants money and to remain in power for good

and then he said this a few days ago:

Poland and Hungary, two countries that would not be free, but for the United States and the long Cold War, have not decided this democracy is too much trouble. They want Putin-like leadership. Just give me an authoritarian dictatorship and keep the foreigners out. Sound familiar?


That was a snub at Republican candidate Donald Trump, of course.

Maybe the Hungarian government should have just ignored Clinton’s latest insult and nonsense but Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó still quipped this way:

No one – not even former US President Bill Clinton – should feel he can insult Hungarians, the freedom of Hungary was achieved by the people of Hungary; tens of thousands of Hungarians sacrificed their lives for freedom.  Therefore it is unacceptable for someone to belittle the fight for freedom of the people of Hungary in this manner.

Mr. Clinton must surely know that the people of Hungary have decided on Hungary’s future in democratic parliamentary elections. Mr. Clinton may not like the decision of the people of Hungary, but this cannot be sufficient reason for the former President to insult them like this.

Well, one can safely say that another Clinton in the White House wouldn’t be something to rejoice about for Hungary. So ….



Update:  Daniel McAdams from the Ron Paul Institute has just published an excellent article on this. It also put Clinton’s words, and how Hungarians view them,  into a historical context.


Political correctness kills the West

The mass sexual attacks on German women in Cologne and many other German cities (and, as later it turned out, there were similar incidents in Salzburg, Austria or Finland, etc. too) have been eye-opening for many people.  However the biggest eye-opener was  the fact that the whole German media, in unison with the German authorities, could cover up events of this importance and of scale for four full days! These events also revealed where the “progressives”, the politically correct feminists, etc. really stand.


Prime Minister Orbán said about today’s politically correct liberalism a few months ago:

[politically correctness uses] an anti-democratic, liberal language and that’s an ironic development because liberalism was once for freedom but now it stands for the opposite

Yes, modern liberalism is showing its true colours at last.

The politically correct liberal government of the Netherlands has been very vocal to condemn Hungary, and recently Poland, regarding freedom of speech, media laws, “checks and balances” and what-have-you.  Now we have learned the Dutch cops are policing anti-migration comments. They are even threatening social media users by visiting them in their homes, only because they oppose government policies.

Unless people in the Western civilization, that is Europe, North America and Australia will wake up very soon and its citizens will vote accordingly, to preserve their identity, their way of life and culture,  soon the lethal politically correct mix of “multiculturalism”, “anti-racism”, “gender theory”, “gay rights”, “feminism”, “anti-clericalism”, the constant accusations of “Islamophobia” or “anti-Semitism”, “Fascism”, besmirching patriotism and elevating cosmopolitanism will kill our Christianity-based civilization entirely.

David Irving at the helm of the FBI

FBI Director  James Comey wrote in the Washington Times last Thursday: “In their minds, the murderers and accomplices of Germany, and Poland, and Hungary, and so many, many other places didn’t do something evil.”
Both Poland and Hungary have protested on diplomatic channels.
I found an excellent Polish response from Agaton Koziński
Today one does not even try to deny the fact in general public discourse that the Holocaust took place. However the lie, the very same lie for which [Holocaust denier British historian] David Irving went to jail, still resurfaces.   It does only in a slightly modified form. Now, in accordance with  modern trends, it’s proclaimed in order to relativize this singular event.  The lie takes the form of arguing that it’s not only Germany which is responsible for the murder of Jews but other nations are, too.   Mostly Poles, but also Hungarians, Latvians and Ukrainians. This transfer of responsibility to others is a way to justify that the Germans just went with the European trends of the 1930’s. But that’s a lie. Germans stoked anti-Semitism in Europe to the level of a genocide.  It’s frightening that you have to fight for such an obvious truth .
I don’t speak Polish and I hope I managed to clean up the Google-translated text properly.
All I could add that we can see these attempt to transfer responsibility in Hungary, too.  See, for example, the hysteria about the memorial to all victims of World War Two.

Orbán and Horthy

Orban is a rare political leader in Europe. He is quite popular, but he is in a balancing act. To his left are the Europeanists, who see all his actions as a repudiation of liberal democracy. On the right is a fascist party that won 20 percent in the last election. Between these two forces, Hungary could tear itself apart. It is in precisely this situation that Weimar Germany failed. Caught between left and right, the center was too weak to hold. Orban is trying to do what Horthy did: strengthen his power over the state and the state’s power over society. He is attacked from the left for violating the principles of liberal democracy and Europe. He is attacked from the right for remaining a tool of the European Union and the Jews. The left believes he is secretly of the right and his protestations are simply a cover. The right believes he is secretly a Europeanist and that his protestations are simply a cover.

Now we add to this the fact that Hungary must make decisions concerning Ukraine. Orban knows that Hungary is not in a position to make decisions by itself. He has therefore made a range of statements, including condemning Russia, opposing sanctions and proposing that the Ukrainian region directly east of Hungary, and once Hungarian, be granted more autonomy. In the end, these statements are unimportant. They do not affect the international system but allow him to balance a bit.

Orban knows what Horthy did as well. Hungary, going up against both Germany and Russia, needs to be very subtle. Hungary is already facing Germany’s policy toward liberal integration within the European Union, which fundamentally contradicts Hungary’s concept of an independent state economy. Hungary is already facing Germany’s policies that undermine Hungary’s economic and social well-being. Orban’s strategy is to create an economy with maximum distance from Europe without breaking with it, and one in which the state exerts its power. This is not what the Germans want to see.

Now, Hungary is also facing a Germany that is not in a position to support Hungary against Russia. He is potentially facing a Russia that will return to Hungary’s eastern border. He is also faced with a growing domestic right wing and a declining but vocal left. It is much like Horthy’s problem. Domestically, he has strong support and powerful institutions. He can exercise power domestically. But Hungary has only 9 million people, and external forces can easily overwhelm it. His room for maneuvering is limited.

I think Orban anticipated this as he saw the European Union flounder earlier in the decade. He saw the fragmentation and the rise of bitterness on all sides. He constructed a regime that appalled the left, which thought that without Orban, it would all return to the way it was before, rather than realizing that it might open the door to the further right. He constructed a regime that would limit the right’s sense of exclusion without giving it real power.

Russia’s re-emergence followed from this. Here, Orban has no neat solution. Even if Hungary were to join a Polish-Romanian alliance, he would have no confidence that this could block Russian power. For that to happen, a major power must lend its support. With Germany out of the game, that leaves the United States. But if the United States enters the fray, it will not happen soon, and it will be even later before its role is decisive. Therefore he must be flexible. And the more international flexibility he must show, the more internal pressures there will be.

For Horthy, the international pressure finally overwhelmed him, and the German occupation led to a catastrophe that unleashed the right, devastated the Jews and led to a Russian invasion and occupation that lasted half a century. But how many lives did Horthy save by collaborating with Germany? He bought time, if nothing else.

Hungarian history is marked by heroic disasters. The liberal revolutions that failed across Europe in 1848 and failed in Hungary in 1956 were glorious and pointless. Horthy was unwilling to make pointless gestures. The international situation at the moment is far from defined, and the threat to Hungary is unclear, but Orban clearly has no desire to make heroic gestures. Internally he is increasing his power constantly, and that gives him freedom to act internationally. But the one thing he will not grant is clarity. Clarity ties you down, and Hungary has learned to keep its options open.

Orban isn’t Horthy by any means, but their situations are similar. Hungary is a country of enormous cultivation and fury. It is surrounded by disappointments that can become dangers. Europe is not what it promised it would be. Russia is not what Europeans expected it to be. Within and without the country, the best Orban can do is balance, and those who balance survive but are frequently reviled. What Hungary could be in 2005 is not the Hungary it can be today. Any Hungarian leader who wished to avoid disaster would have to face this. Indeed, Europeans across the continent are facing the fact that the world they expected to live in is gone and what has replaced it, inside and outside of their countries, is different and dangerous.

by George Friedman, the Chairman of Stratfor.  The full article can be read here.


I don’t agree with everything Friedman writes but certainly it’s a very interesting analysis on Hungary’s situation.

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Thatcher, Reagan and the Hungarian Compromise

A public lecture delivered by Christopher Collins, the Director of the Margaret Thatcher Foundation at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

The story how Hungary almost fell victim to the Cold War in 1982.

The lecture used newly-released documents from British, American and Hungarian archives to examine the policy of the British and US governments towards Hungary 1979-84. It traced the rise in Western interest in Hungary in the light of martial law in Poland. There’s new information on the Hungarian financial crisis of 1982 and the arguments it prompted between the United States and its allies as to the policy of ‘differentiation’ between states in the Soviet-controlled Eastern bloc. There’s discussion of Western policy during Andropov‘s brief ascendancy and the decision on the part of Margaret Thatcher and the British Government to promote greater contact with the East, prompting her acceptance of the long-standing Hungarian invitation to visit.

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First PM visit in Warsaw again

Having President Áder asked PM Orbán formally to form his new government this morning, Mr. Orbán left for his first visit abroad. Just like in 2010, when Fidesz won another landslide victory, his first prime ministerial visit was paid to Poland again.

“The next Hungarian government will also be deeply committed towards the historic Polish-Hungarian friendship” and “as in the last four years, the new Hungarian government wants to focus on Central Europe in its foreign policies”, Orbán said. He also thanked Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk the support Hungary has received from Poland since 2010.

First visit in Warsaw again

The Polish prime minister also emphasized the importance of the traditional Polish-Hungarian friendship and the fact Mr. Orbán visited Poland first. He also praised the Visegrad Four cooperation and Hungary’s presidency of the V4 which is ending at the end of June.  Concerning the recent election results in Hungary, he noted that “Hungarians appreciated the values the party alliance led by PM Orbán represent”.

The “energy union”, proposed by PM Tusk and fully backed by PM Orbán, was the most important topic of the talks. This means that at least the V4 countries would fully integrate their energy supply systems (gas and electricity networks) and they would strive to achieve “energy independence”, for example getting rid of a complete dependence on Russian natural gas.
The prime ministers have briefly discussed the Ukrainian situation, too, and they noted the Hungarian and Polish views and interests are similar: both countries are neighbouring to Ukraine and Hungarian and Polish ethnic minorities live in Ukraine.

All I can say  (in Polish) is

Polak, Węgier — dwa bratanki,
i do szabli, i do szklanki,

Please read this Wikipedia article for more details.


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Holocaust day

Oh, well, today it’s a Holocaust remembrance day.  There’s so much talk about this genocide  (see ) that actually I’m wondering which day isn’t a Holocaust remembrance day this year…

Politicians seems to compete hard who is capable of saying the most bizarre and bombastic thing.

Zoltán Pokorni, a Fidesz leader who belongs to the “liberal” wing of the centre-of-right party  Fidesz I support,  bent over backwards, too, to say something “big” and he managed to utter that

The Holocaust is our cause because the killers and the victims were Hungarians, too.


Using his logic, he might have said equally that “the Holocaust is our cause because the killers and the victims were Jews, too”.  (For the sake of this parallel logic argument let’s disregard for a moment that the killers were Germans.) But let’s analyze this sentence a bit more…

Everybody knows that the term “Holocaust” means a particular 20th century genocide committed by Nazi Germans against Jews in Europe.  So if the victims were Hungarians, and not Jews, then perhaps we shouldn’t talk about “Holocaust” at all, should we?

It’s a well-known historical fact that there were no death camps in Hungary. It’s also well-known that neither the Hungarian authorities or the Jewish victims themselves, including the members of the “Jewish Council”,  knew when the deportations  started, and one must stress that happened  only after Hungary’s occupation on the 19th of March, 1944 that the physical extermination of the deported ones was the  goal of the Nazi.

It’s really high time to stop trying to shift blame from Nazi Germany  to Hungary .  For the record,  the Holocaust was planned and carried out by Nazi Germany. Hungary did ally herself with Nazi Germany in the hopes of regaining the lost territories in the Dictat of Trianon, but in contrast with other countries allied with Nazi Germany,  the deportation of Jews from Hungary started only after Nazi Germany occupied Hungary militarily.  In fact it was the foot-dragging policies of Governor Horthy which made it possible to avoid Hungary’s military invasion by Nazi Germany already at the beginning of World War Two, that is several years earlier than the March of 1944.  That would have meant, of course, the complete annihilation of all Jews in Hungary, just like it happened in Poland.   After the Hungarian authorities learned what was happening in Auswitz  from the Auschwitz Protocols , Governor Horthy personally gave the order to stop the deportations on the 8th of July, 1944 and this order was carried out by Colonel Ferenc Koszorús and his brave  troops.  This event is commemorated on a plaque in Dohány utca in Budapest where you can visit the largest synagogue in Europe.

In memory of Col. Ferenc Koszorús and his brave soldiers who prevented the deportation of the Budapest Jewry on the 5th and 6th of July, 1944.


In fact the Jewry in Budapest, which is one of the largest in Europe, should be very thankful indeed to Governor Horthy.  Instead they keep besmirching him, and Hungarians, too, day and night.

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